How can I aerate my greens without annoying the members?
Published 2nd March 2021 Tips
If the sight of a tractor and core plugger on your greens makes some of your members a little irritable, there are also more discreet methods you can use in-between times.
The Thatch-Away SUPA-SYSTEM from GreenTek is long recognised as the premium brand of verticutting units. They are found on most golf courses and are compatible with all popular brands of greens triplex.
However, the really great bonus with these units is the way that the verticutting rotors can quickly be removed from the unit and replaced with a whole range of interchangeable cassettes. These include deep scarifiers, groomers, rotary brushes, and for aeration there are the Sarel Roller and Star Slitter cassettes.
What are the benefits of Sarel Rolling?
Sarel Rollers are a long-proven method of spiking fine turf, to prevent surface sealing, and to enable air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the root zone. They leave the green peppered with thousands of neat round holes which also can be used as an ideal pre-treatment before overseeding.
For a similarly effective aeration treatment, but with an even more discreet effect on the surface, the Star Slitter cassettes are a further great tool for your armoury.
What is the best power unit for greens maintenance?
The beauty of using a greens triplex as your aeration power unit is not only its speed, manoeuvrability, and low ground pressure, but also that the members rarely even notice that you are using it to make holes in “their” beloved greens!
Contact GreenTek on 0113 267 7000 for the name of your nearest dealer, and to book a free demonstration of these invaluable attachments.
Thatch-Away units are not just for verticutting!
Thatch-Away Sarel-Rollers in action
Worms-eye-view of the Sarel-Roller cassette…
... and the Star-Slitter cassette